Fleeting Expertise Continuity Intensify Stretch Blind Rage Streamline Optional

Blind Rage is a mod that increases Ability Strength while reducing Ability Efficiency of Warframe abilities.

Stats [ ]

Rank Ability Strength Ability Efficiency Cost Strength / Cost
0 +9% -5% 6 1.5%
1 +18% -10% 7 2.6%
2 +27% -15% 8 3.4%
3 +36% -20% 9 4%
4 +45% -25% 10 4.5%
5 +54% -30% 11 4.9%
6 +63% -35% 12 5.25%
7 +72% -40% 13 5.54%
8 +81% -45% 14 5.79%
9 +90% -50% 15 6%
10 +99% -55% 16 6.19%

Drop Locations [ ]

Enemy Drop Table Chance[4] Item Chance[5] Chance[6] Quantity[7] Avg. per roll attempt[8]

Sourced from official drop table repository.

Notes [ ]

Tips [ ]

  • Combining this with Mod TT 20px.pngFleeting Expertise will grant you +5% ability efficiency, 35% when stacked with Mod TT 20px.pngStreamline , and a total of 129% increase in Ability Strength with Mod TT 20px.pngIntensify . This will cause most abilities to be shortened considerably, so consider only ranking this mod up to 5 or 6 and combining it with Streamline instead, otherwise use it with builds that do not rely on duration (such as GaraIcon272.pngGara 's offensive MassVitrify130xDark.pngMass Vitrify build).
  • Warframes with lower energy pools may prefer to use lower ranks of this mod to cast more of their abilities. (I.e: ExcaliburIcon272.pngExcalibur , NekrosIcon272.pngNekros , ValkyrIcon272.pngValkyr , etc.)
  • Using this mod, Mod TT 20px.pngTransient Fortitude , and Mod TT 20px.pngFleeting Expertise on an AshIcon272.pngAsh will yield incredible results, as it will allow you to deal exceedingly high amounts of damage from range with the BladeStorm130xDark.pngBlade Storm ability for little energy cost.
  • GarudaIcon272.pngGaruda can make effective use of Blind Rage and easily offset the efficiency penalty as she can quickly replenish her energy reserves with Bloodletting130xDark.pngBloodletting then recover the resulting sacrificed HP with a BloodAltar130xDark.pngBlood Altar .
  • GyreIcon272.pngGyre benefits from this mod quite well as the Ability Strength bonus affects the energy that CathodeGrace130xDark.pngCathode Grace restores while it is active, which can help offset the efficiency penalty in the long term.
  • Synergizes well with the Zariman-exclusive MoltReconstruct.pngMolt Reconstruct , as the increased Energy cost translates to larger Health restored to self and allies.
  • VoraciousMetastasis130xDark.pngVoracious Metastasis benefits from Blind Rage by increasing both self-heal and restored Energy to allies.

Gallery [ ]

Patch History [ ]

Hotfix 15.0.9 (2014-10-30)

  • Fixed an issue with Corrupted Mod Transient Fortitude not being equippable simultaneously with Blind Rage.

Update 10.3 (2013-10-09)

  • Introduced.

See also [ ]

  1. Chance to roll item within drop table
  2. Amount rewarded on successful roll
  3. (Quantity × Chance)
  4. Chance to roll drop table
  5. Chance to roll item within drop table
  6. (Drop Table Chance × Item Chance)
  7. Amount rewarded on successful roll
  8. (Quantity × Chance), average item quantity on a roll attempt (successful or not)


Source: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Blind_Rage

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